Archive for the ‘rainbows’ Category

Carmel Sundae Administers Alpaca Therapy

July 16, 2010

I just had an amazing experience. I always thought alpacas might be therapeutic but I had no idea. Tonight is one of my truly difficult times with compound regional pain syndrome and I went downstairs and just plain screamed. I didn’t want Tom to hear me. Rough.

While I was downstairs, screaming so loudly Tom could hear me upstairs, Carmel Sundae came to me. Alpacas like to stand at about arm’s length so you can’t touch them. Carmel came over and offered herself to me. She let me touch her bonnet, her baby, and anything else that amused me. There is nothing like the trust of something so soft that comes to you because you need it. I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful husband and alpacas that understand. Who would have ever thought.

Alpacas, Rainbows and Goodbye Salt Lake City

July 11, 2010

It happened rather suddenly, really. Our house in Salt Lake City sold, Tom went there and supervised the packing and loading of our “stuff” and the rest of our Utah alpacas have hit the road for home. They (nine alpacas, five adult girls, three crias and one 14 month old boy)should arrive here shortly before midnight tonight, July 10, and the furniture should get here sometime on Tuesday.

Thus ends our Utah odyssey, a stay that only lasted long enough for us to enter the alpaca world with enough knowledge to get along and understand most of what we are doing.

Half of a double rainbow at Zena

Half of a double rainbow at Zena

At almost sunset, we seem to be in a rainbow continuum of some kind. In the past two weeks, we have seen two different sets of double rainbows. Perhaps this has a special meaning?

Stage Door Johnny and Rainbow

Stage Door Johnny and Rainbow

The only sad thing is that the second rainbow in both of these pictures, taken two weeks apart, didn’t show up very well.